Intake Phone Number: 607.778.2745
A Person In Need of Supervision (PINS) is a person less than eighteen years of age who does not attend school in accordance with Article 65 of the Education Law or who is incorrigible, ungovernable or habitually disobedient and is beyond the lawful control of the parent(s)/guardian(s), or other lawful authority, or who violates the provisions of Penal Law Section 221.05. A pattern of behavior must be documented for complaints involving PINS behavior, other than running away or marijuana possession. If a child is a runaway, a missing person’s report should be filed with the local police agency immediately and before contacting the Department at the number listed below.
Complaints regarding PINS behavior are handled in Family Court. PINS behavior is non-criminal behavior such as school truancy, running away, staying away, refusing to follow household rules, etc. A PINS complaint can be filed by parent(s)/guardian(s), school, agencies, or the police. It is mandatory that PINS Diversion services be offered before the child can be referred to Family Court. The goal of PINS Diversion services is to provide services to address the underlying issues that are causing the PINS behavior and to prevent the child from being referred to Family Court. Every effort is made by the Department to provide comprehensive and intensive services. Parents are expected to fully participate and engage in services as well as the child.
The PINS Diversion intake line phone number is 607.778.2745. A caseworker will listen to your situation and offer advice on how to proceed. Not all acting out behavior qualifies for PINS Diversion services. The PINS Diversion services caseworkers are experts at community services and will be able to lead you in the right direction.