Purchasing meets by appointment only
Those in need of assistance should email BCPurchasing@broomecountyny.gov
The Department of Purchasing is charged with the responsibility of insuring compliance with state law in the area of purchasing, as well as insuring that the county receives quality goods and services at the lowest possible cost.
Therefore, in conjunction with user departments, purchasing and our board of acquisition and contract, attempts are made to seek competitive prices and proposals for as many goods and services as possible.
To this end, where possible and feasible, the acquisition of the competitive prices and/or proposals should be applied to the following:
- All supplies, materials and equipment.
- All service contracts, including repair and maintenance.
- All professional service contracts.
- All construction or repair work.
Furthermore, it is county policy that specifications are written in such a way as to encourage competitive bidding. It is the Department of Purchasing's responsibility to see that no prospective bidder is arbitrarily excluded by unreasonable specifications and to solicit bids from as many prospective bidders as possible.