

The Broome County Sheriff's Office was established in 1806. The first sheriff, William Woodruff, rode on horseback, enforcing laws. Broome County is located in south-central New York state. Currently, the office serves a population of approximately 197,000 people in an 850-mile patrol area. This area encompasses city, suburban and rural type settings.  The area also includes interstates 81, 86, and 88 which pass through the center of the county.

The office is broken into these divisions:

  1. Civil Division: responsible for handing and delivering civil processes such as judgments, evictions, and auctions.
  2. Corrections Division: responsible for maintaining custody of prisoners remanded by courts.
  3. Detective Division: responsible for major crimes and juvenile violators, special investigations, and major crime tracking.
  4. Highway Patrol Division: responsible for law enforcement, arrest of lawbreakers, criminal investigations, auto accident investigations, and public safety.
  5. Identification Division/Pistol Permits: responsible for pistol permits, sheriff id cards, fingerprinting, and criminal records.
  6. Training Division: responsible for mandated police and correctional training. Also provides all in-service training for Sheriff's Office employees and runs the Basic Police Academy for a seven-county area.
  7. Business Office: responsible for cash receipts, cash disbursements, payroll reports, and accounts payable.
  8. Records Division: responsible for the recording and maintaining of all official records and documents relative to the police operations of the Broome County Sheriff's Office.
  9. Community Policing: responsible for community policing activities for the Sheriff's Office.

Click here to contact the Office of the Sheriff

Sheriff's Summer Camp Application

Sheriff's Summer Camp Flyer

Sheriff's Summer Camp Brochure

Deadline for Initial Application (Page 1):
April 1st

Submit applications to Pamella Riley:

NYS Camp Regulations

NYS Camp Immunization Requirements

Need help or have legal questions?  Click on the above icon for New York's Court Help

Broome County Sheriff's Office Annual Reports:

Previous Annual Reports: 2023202220212020201920182017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010 

Information about child safety seats:

Click here for the:

 Broome County Child Passenger Safety Program

Click here for a:

 Child Safety Seat Brochure

**New Law for Safer Boating** 

(Effective January 1st, 2020)

Brianna's Law
If you were born on or after May 1, 1996, you will need a boating safety certificate.
Under a new law known as Brianna's Law, all motorboat operators born on or after Jan. 1, 1993, will need a boating safety certificate beginning in 2020.
Those born on or after Jan. 1, 1988, will need a boating safety certificate beginning in 2022.
Those born on or after Jan. 1, 1983, will need a boating safety certificate beginning in 2023.
Those born on or after Jan. 1, 1978, will need a boating safety certificate beginning in 2024.
All motorboat operators regardless of age will need a boating safety certificate beginning in 2025.

Approved courses include those offered by NYS Parks, the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary, the U.S. Power Squadrons, or U.S. Powerboating. Certain allowances to this law have been made for visitors to New York, persons renting a boat from a livery, and persons purchasing a new boat for the first time.

Links for Boating Safety Courses: