
Committee Schedules, Agendas, Resolutions and Minutes are posted here.

[Please note that Legislator's name in bold denotes that Committee's Chair]

County Administration Committee

Kelly Wildoner Louis Augostini Stephen Flagg Erin Micha Mary Kaminsky

Responsible for the Rules of Order, local laws, advisory resolutions, the Legislature, and oversight over the County Executive, County Clerk, Department of Law, Information Technology and Elections.

Economic Development, Education & Culture Committee

Matthew Hilderbrant Erin Micha Jason Shaw Tim Ames Susan Ryan 

Responsible for oversight of planning and economic development including oil and gas drilling, Brownfield Assessment and re-development, Chamber of Commerce's Convention & Visitors Bureau, Broome Community College, Broome County Public Library, the Department of Parks and Recreation, including the Arena and Forum and all matters pertaining to arts and culture.

Finance Committee

Stephen Flagg Louis Augostini Scott Baker  Kelly Wildoner  Mary Kaminsky

Responsible for oversight of the Department of Audit and Control, Real Property Tax Service, Risk Management, and the Office of Management and Budget, the proposed annual budget and capital program, insurance and debt (bonding), taxes, assessments, tax maps, tax sales, and the disposal of real and personal property.

Health & Human Services Committee

Jason Shaw Louis Augostini Matthew Hilderbrant Tim Ames Kim Myers

Responsible for oversight of long term care, the nursing Home, Community Alternative Systems Agency (CASA), the Department of Social Services, including Family Violence Prevention, Office for the Aging, Youth Bureau, Veterans Services, the Department of Health, Environmental Health including oil and gas drilling, public water supply and wastewater treatment, hazardous materials, disposal of hazardous waste, and soil and groundwater contamination, public health and mental health.

Personnel Committee

Greg Baldwin Erin Micha Jason Shaw Kim Myers Suzy Ryan

Responsible for oversight of the Personnel Department & Civil Service, including salaries, wages and all other employee benefits and terms and conditions of employment, and all labor negotiations.

Public Safety & Emergency Services Committee

Scott Baker Greg Baldwin Matthew Pasquale Susan Ryan Robert Weslar

Responsible for oversight of public safety and emergency services including the District Attorney, Public Defender, Emergency Services, Probation Department, STOP-DWI, Sheriff, Fire Coordinator and Fire Advisory Board, Broome Security, and the Dog Shelter.

Public Works & Transportation Committee

Matthew Pasquale Scott Baker Greg Baldwin Matthew Hilderbrant Robert Weslar

Responsible for oversight of recommendations on construction, renovation, maintenance and security of all County-owned or leased buildings and maintenance of County highways and bridges, water & sewer districts, solid waste disposal system including recycling & landfill operations. The committee shall also consider matters concerning public transportation including Aviation, Department of Public Transportation, and Binghamton Metropolitan Transportation Study.

Ad Hoc & Advisory Committee information may be found here.

Committee of the Whole information may be found here.