Local Laws & Other Documents

Accepted Studies, Presentations and Other Documents
Documents presented to the Legislature will be posted here as they become available. 

Ad Hoc & Advisory Committee Documents

Budget Documents

Committee of the Whole Documents

County Audit and Financial Documents

County Charter
The governing laws of Broome County.

County Boards, Councils and Commissions
Listing of those currently serving on all County Boards along with their term and contact information.

District Maps
Maps of all 15 Legislative Districts.

Local Laws
Laws pending approval or adopted which amend the County's Charter.

Natural Gas Resources
Information regarding the County's Natural Gas Development Team.

Publications - Journal of Proceedings and Municipal Guide for Broome County
Each year, the Clerk of the Legislature produces the Proceedings of the County Legislature, a Municipal Guide for Broome County and an Annual Report of the Legislature and Clerk of the Legislature which are available here.

Rules of Order
The governing rules of the County Legislature.