Final Plan
The 2024 Broome County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update is now available to view. See documents below:
Volume I- Core Plan
Volume II- Annexes
Volume III- Appendices
Hazard Mitigation in Broome County
A Hazard Mitigation Plan is a living document that communities use to reduce their vulnerability to hazards. It forms the foundation for a community's long-term strategy to reduce disaster losses and creates a framework for decision making to reduce damages to lives, property, and the economy from future disasters. Examples of mitigation projects include home acquisitions or elevations to remove structures from high-risk areas, upgrades to critical public facilities, and infrastructure improvements. Ultimately, these actions reduce vulnerability, and communities are able to recover more quickly from disasters. Broome County has demonstrated its commitment to reducing disaster losses by initially developing its multi-jurisdictional HMP in 2007, 2013 and again in 2019, updating information upon which to base a successful mitigation strategy to reduce the impacts of natural disasters and to increase the resiliency of its communities.
The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 (DMA 2000) requires that states, with support from local governmental agencies, develop and update HMPs on a five-year basis to prepare for and reduce the potential impacts of natural hazards. Broome County and the municipalities located therein have developed this Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP), which represents a regulatory update to the 2019 “Broome County Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan Update”.
Through a grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Broome County Department of Planning and Economic Development has begun its County HMP update. The plan will further identify natural hazards of concern in our region, assess our specific vulnerabilities to those hazards, and identify more projects and measures that may reduce damages from future hazards. The updated plan looks at existing hazards of concern (from the 2013 and 2019 plans) and identifies additional hazards of concern for Broome County. The 2024 update serves as the plan for Broome County government, as well as 24 municipalities in the county who have opted to participate in this cooperative planning effort. Each participating jurisdiction has its own chapter (or annex) of the overall plan.
Participating Jurisdictions:
Broome County |
Village of Endicott |
Town of Sanford |
Town of Barker |
Town of Fenton |
Town of Triangle |
City of Binghamton |
Village Johnson City |
Town of Union |
Town of Binghamton |
Town of Kirkwood |
Town of Vestal |
Town of Chenango |
Town of Lisle (Not Participating) |
Village of Whitney Point |
Town of Colesville |
Village of Lisle |
Town of Windsor |
Town of Conklin |
Town of Maine |
Village of Windsor |
Village of Deposit |
Town of Nanticoke |
Town of Dickinson |
Village of Port Dickinson |
Interactive StoryMap- Click Here to View Our Storymap
Our Interactive StoryMap describes the Hazard Mitigation Plan update process and allows individuals to participate. We invite you to visit the StoryMap and please send in any feedback.
How Can I Participate in the 2024 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update Process?
The public is welcome and encouraged to share their input for the 2024 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update. Upcoming meeting information and materials will be shared to this page; all meetings are open to the public. Broome County is currently compiling data collected from our public survey for residents, community stakeholders, and neighboring communities to learn about specific risks and impacts hazards pose to our community. We will work with our municipal and community partners to share information and updates about the plan throughout the process. If you have any questions or want to share your ideas for the 2024 Hazard Mitigation Plan Update, you can contact the project manager, Stephanie Brewer, at or call 607-778-2114.
Draft Plan Review Public Survey- Open now through July 5th, 2024
Broome County is pleased to post the draft 2024 Hazard Mitigation Plan update for public review and comment. This plan will be available for review through July 5, 2024. To review all sections of the plan, see plan sections above. Please use this form to submit your plan review comments to the Planning Partnership. There is no limit to the number of comments you may submit; however, this form limits the number of comments. Please feel free to submit another survey with any additional comments.
Public Survey- CLOSED
Broome County asked members of the public to contribute to the planning process by taking a public survey from November 2023 to January 2024. This survey was designed to gather feedback from local citizens about natural and human-caused disaster issues and gather information about areas vulnerable to disaster. This information will help us better coordinate future mitigation activities aimed at reducing the risk of injury or property damage. Thank you to the 400+ community members, partners and, neighboring municipalities that participated in the public survey! Results from this survey will be compiled and shared in the next coming months.
Upcoming Meetings
Draft Plan Public Comment Period Meeting - CLOSED
Resident and stakeholder participation is a vital part of the hazard mitigation planning process. Check out the information below for ways you can participate in the Broome County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update process!
The purpose of the meeting is to provide the public with the draft plan for their review and comment. An overview of the draft plan, the planning process, and outcomes of this process will be discussed. The Draft Plan can be viewed above. Use this survey link to provide your comments:
This is a hybrid meeting with an in-person option at the Broome County Public Library Decker Room 1st Floor (185 Court Street, Binghamton, NY) and virtual option hosted through Zoom.
Previous Meetings
Planning Partnership Mitigation Action Support Meeting - Friday, March 15, 2024 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
This was a virtual meeting hosted through Microsoft Teams.
The purpose of the meeting was to provide additional assistance to the participating jurisdictions in the identification and creation of mitigation actions for the Broome County 2024 Hazard Mitigation Plan mitigation strategy. Participating jurisdictions were asked to share updates on the mitigation strategy process and identify problems occurring within their community.
Mitigation Action Support Meeting Presentation
Planning Partnership Mitigation Action Workshop Meeting - Thursday, February 1st, 2024 11:00 AM-12:00 PM
The meeting will be held in-person at the Broome County Public Library Decker Room 1st Floor (185 Court Street, Binghamton, NY).
During this meeting, we will be discussing the next phase of the HMP update, specifically the mitigation strategy. Our goal is to assist the municipalities with identifying appropriate mitigation actions for the 2024 HMP. This is a vital step in the planning process and we expect each municipality to attend and participate. Additionally, representatives from Tetra Tech will be present at the meeting. They will be available afterward to address any questions or concerns from the municipalities and to help finalize the jurisdictional annexes.
Mitigation Workshop Presentation
Mitigation Workshop Meeting Materials
Stakeholder Engagement Meetings - Friday, January 16, 2024 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM OR 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
There will be two virtual sessions available, but participation in just one session is sufficient. During this meeting, we will provide an update on the planning process, gather insights on how hazards affect your organization, explore ways to utilize existing capabilities, and develop potential actions for risk reduction.
Stakeholder Engagement Meeting Presentation
Planning Partnership Meeting #2 – Thursday, December 7, 2023 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
This is a virtual meeting hosted through Microsoft Teams. Members of the public can view the virtual meetings via Microsoft Teams or listen to the meeting using the call-in phone number.
During this session, we will present the findings of the assessment and the initial rankings of each hazard. We will guide you through the process of reviewing these rankings for your community and providing your input.
Planning Partnership Meeting Presentation
Steering Committee Meeting #3 – Wednesday, December 6, 2023 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
This is a virtual meeting hosted through Microsoft Teams. Members of the public can view the virtual meetings via Microsoft Teams or listen to the meeting using the call-in phone number.
During this session, we will present the findings of the assessment and the initial rankings of each hazard. We will guide you through the process of reviewing these rankings and providing your input.
Steering Committee Meeting Presentation
Steering Committee Meeting #2 – Thursday, September 14, 2023 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
This is a virtual meeting hosted through Microsoft Teams. Members of the public can view the virtual meetings via Microsoft Teams or listen to the meeting using the call-in phone number.
During this meeting we will finalize the hazards of concern to include in the 2024 Broome County HMP Update and begin reviewing/updating the goals and objectives for the plan.
Steering Committee Meeting Presentation
Planning Partnership Kick-Off Meeting #1 – Wednesday July 19th, 2023 from 1:00PM- 3:00PM
The meeting will be held in-person at the Town of Chenango Community Room (1529 State Route 12, Binghamton, NY).
During this meeting, we will discuss the process, benefits, expectations, and timeline of the plan update process. All jurisdictions who wish to participate in the plan update MUST attend this kick-off meeting, whether or not they have submitted the Letter of Intent to Participate (LOIP). If you haven’t already, please remember to complete and send your municipality’s Letter of Intent to Participate indicating your Points of Contact on the project.
Planning Partnership Presentation
Steering Committee Meeting Kick-Off Meeting #1– Wednesday July 19th, 2023 from 11:00AM- 12:00PM
The meeting will be held in-person at the Town of Chenango Community Room (1529 State Route 12, Binghamton, NY).
During this meeting, we will meet the project team, review roles and responsibilities of the Committee, timeline and key items in the process, discuss hazards of concern, benefits of mitigation planning for funding and project implementation.