Broome County Riverbank Cleanup


38th Annual Broome County Riverbank Clean Up 

This year's event is dedicated to our late friend Bill Heaviside, long-standing volunteer and donations guru. 

How Does it Work?

The Broome County EMC coordinates our clean up only once a year in October so don't miss out! Do you have a group that would like to help clean our waterways? The EMC will work with your group to select a site and arrange trash collection on the day of the cleanup. We will also provide you with some basic supplies including trash bags and gloves (these are vinyl exam gloves, not heavy-duty work gloves). If you are an individual that would like to participate, please register and we can arrange for you to join one of the other groups.

Here are the steps for your group to join us in cleaning our streams and rivers:

  1. Organize your team
  2. Designate a Stream Captain who will work with EMC staff and coordinate volunteers in your group.
  3. Register your team online.
  4. Work with the EMC 's Riverbank Committee to confirm a cleanup location for your team.
  5. Pick up supplies the week of the cleanup.
  6. Head out and clean on the day of the Riverbank Cleanup!

Any questions can be directed to the EMC at or 607-778-2911.

Stream Captain Information 

Stream Captains must review the information below to ensure that you are aware of your responsibilities for the event. These documents will be provided to you in your team's supply packet. No need to print them yourself. 

Stream Captain Instructions - Describes all activities that Stream Captains are responsible for.

Liability Release - Required for all participants and kept on site by stream captain during cleanup.

Data Card - Use this card to collect data during the cleanup. Public participation is an important component of our stormwater management program and this data helps us report our progress to our state and federal partners. We also have a new online data collection form for all volunteers to use. 

Registration Form- OPEN NOW UNTIL OCTOBER 11TH

Please read all information above before registering. See our Site Map in the link under Riverbank Clean Up Sites when choosing your site. Individual volunteers are welcome and encouraged to register, based on where you would like to clean, we will assign you to a team and a stream captain. 

Click Here to Register: Broome County Riverbank Clean Up Registration Form

Riverbank Cleanup Sites

Riverbank Clean Up Site Map. Click on the colored trails to see more information about each site. These are past and potential sites for this year's Clean Up. If your group has a site or area in mind, please let us know and we can work to add it. 

Data Entry

After the event is over, you should submit your data, as written on your data and summary cards. This helps us to report how we are doing to our local, state and federal partners. We will provide an online data submittal form along with data sheets that you can use while you are cleaning. 

37th Annual Broome County Riverbank Clean Up Final Data