
Planning is currently working on updating the content of our website to better provide clear and accurate information for the community. Please bear with us as we are making these important updates in the coming months. If you are having trouble finding information feel free to contact us. Contact Info


Open Request For Proposals/Qualifications

None at this time.

Mission Statement

The Broome County Department of Planning and Economic Development serves to promote the sound and orderly economic and physical growth of Broome County and its constituent municipalities.  It provides technical planning guidance and assistance to the County Executive and County Legislature and implements projects and programs designed to improve the economy, environment, and physical infrastructure of the county.  The department extends professional services to local municipalities and other public and private entities in the areas of land use planning and zoning, grantsmanship, economic development, cartography, community assistance, research and infrastructure development.

The Department of Planning and Economic Development consists of the following divisions: