Who Are We?
Citizens Shaping Environmental Policy
The Broome County Environmental Management Council (EMC) is a citizen advisory group to County government on local environmental matters. Our mission is to provide support and advice to the County Executive, Legislature, municipal bodies and citizens; conduct environmental research activities; raise public awareness through education; investigate sound methods of ecological planning for the County’s natural resources; review environmental assessments, plans and reports; and to respond to other environmental concerns as they arise.
EMC Newsletter
Check out our latest Bimonthly EMC Newsletter here!
Upcoming Meetings
General meetings occur bimonthly on the 4th Thursday of the month. All meetings are open to the public and anyone is welcome to join us!
Next Meeting: March 27th, 5:00pm-6:30pm in-person at the Broome County Public Library (185 Court St, Binghamton, NY 13901) Second Floor Exhibit Room
Please email us to confirm which room our group will be in prior to joining us.
Sign Up For EMC Emails Here! You will receive emails from us regarding meetings, events, and general environmental/sustainability information.
Meeting details can also be found on our Facebook page as available.
If you would like to take a more active role in the EMC, you can consider becoming a member-at-large. Members of the EMC are Broome County residents from all walks of life with knowledge of or general interest in local environmental and natural resources planning, issues, and policies.
Membership on the EMC includes:
- 9 Members-at-Large
- 3 Student Representatives
- 1 Representative from each Conservation Advisory Commission (CAC)
- Various representatives from County departments and partner organizations
If interested in becoming an official member, start by attending regular EMC meetings. Once you have demonstrated interest, the EMC can recommend your appointment for official approval by the County Executive and Legislature.
Sustainable Organizations and Funding Opportunities
Working List of Broome County Environmental Sustainability Organizations and Businesses: Click Here
Natural Resources Inventory
The EMC has completed the Broome County Natural Resources Inventory. This document takes stock of the County's natural resources and provides a framework that can be used to guide policies and development in a manner that preserves the benefits and services that our natural resources provide. You can view the plan here.
Annual Broome County Riverbank Riverbank Cleanup
Our 2024 Broome County Riverbank Cleanup Event was held on Saturday, October 19th this year! Final results can be seen below!
Visit the Riverbank Cleanup page for more details.
If you are interested in volunteering in our 2025 clean up event this Fall, please fill out our Interest Form Here.