Hazardous Waste Facility


We anticipate through the end of February (2/28), we will TEMPORARILY use our new scale house. If you are looking to access our recycling drop off, you will use our ORIGINAL entrance. If you are looking to dispose of garbage, or anything besides general recycling, you will need to use our NEW entrance to access the new scales. Please be alert and look for new signage for directions.


What is Household Hazardous Waste?

Household hazardous waste is unusable home and garden products, which contain hazardous chemicals. Examples include pesticides, fertilizers, oil-based paints and thinners, cleaners, pool and hobby chemicals. 

Improper disposal of household hazardous waste can pollute water resources, increase risks to human health safety and adversely affect sewage treatment.

Household Hazardous Waste & Electronics Recycling Brochure

The Broome County Landfill Household Hazardous Waste Facility Offers Free Drop Off Days Each Month for Broome County Residents

The Free Drop Off Days are for residential use only. Businesses must call 607.763.4460 for more information and cost.

The Household Hazardous Waste Facility is located at the Broome County Landfill

286 Knapp Road, Binghamton, NY 13902

Program Hours for Free Drop-Off Days: 7:30am to 11:30am

Tioga County residents may only participate in the free drop-off days from April through November, on the specific days listed. This is for both residential electronics and hazardous waste from Tioga County.  

Tioga County Residents Alternative Electronics Recycling Outlets*


Jan      8, 25

Feb      5, 15

Mar      5, 8, 22

Apr      2, 5, 19

May     3, 7, 17

Jun      4, 7, 21

Jul       2, 12, 26

Aug      6, 9, 23

Sep      3, 6, 20

Oct      1, 4, 18

Nov      1, 5, 15

Dec      3, 13 


New EPA Guidelines for Vape Disposal for Schools and Small Businesses: EPA Vape Guidelines