How to Report Illegal Dumping
Be Observant and Report Who, What, When, Where and How (Illegal Dumping Brochure)
- Vehicle and suspect description
- License plate
- Materials dumped *
- Location and landmarks
- Any other information that may be related.
*Please note: Illegally dumped materials can be hazardous; be observant, but do not investigate the garbage yourself.
Where to Report:
- Broome County Illegal Dumping Hotline: 607-778-DUMP (24 hours)
- Municipal Code Enforcement Police Departments (see directory assistance)
- Broome County Health Department (Imminent health hazards from open burning, rodent harborage or water contamination) 607.778.2887
- New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) 607.773.7763
- Oil and hazardous Spills 800.TIPP.DEC
- Poachers and Polluters 800.457.7362
Local Law & Penalties
Solid waste must be disposed of at an authorized facility. It is illegal as per the Broome County Code & Charter (Article III, Dumps & Dumping, Page 443-445) to dispose of solid waste along highways, on vacant lots, on business sites, in private dumpsters and other places. Such activities are hereby deemed to pose an imminent hazard to the public health, safety and welfare of the residents of the County.
Any person who commits a violation is subject to arrest and punishment, upon conviction, as stated in the Broome County Charter & Code §317-22 Page 444. All provisions of this article are enforceable by the Broome County Security Department and/or the Broome County Sheriff's Department or their designee(s).
Strategies for Property Owners
Protecting one’s own property is one of the most effective means of curbing illegal dumping. The participation of landowners is critical to solving the problem. The following strategies are relatively low cost and easily implemented:
Keep property clean and free of debris. Illegal dumping is a problem that tends to compound itself. On garbage is dumped at the site, leaving it there is an open invitation for more dumping.
- Cut off access to problem areas. If access is necessary, install a locked gate or posts with a chain and lock. If access by vehicle is not necessary, place permanent physical obstacles—mounds of dirt, logs, guardrail, etc.
- If you are an absentee landowner, arrange for someone to regularly check and provide upkeep for the property
- Post signs to ward off intruders
- Light up problem areas adjacent to residences to improve visibility and deter intruders.
These suggestions are by no means fool proof, but may help resolve minor incidents.
Waste Management Options
1. Participate in and encourage local recycling and waste reduction programs.
2. Sell, repair or donate used or unwanted items:
- Scrap metal-dealers will generally pay money and may offer pickup.
- Furniture/household goods-donate to rummage sales, Salvation Army, Goodwill, etc.
- Landscape debris– use as mulch, compost, contact municipality regarding collection.
- Construction & demolition debris– recycle scrap metal, separate reusable item (doors, windows, boards, etc).
- Tires-used tires may be retreaded, or taken to the County Landfill for recycling.
- Large appliances– call your local hauler or scrap metal dealer or bring to the County Landfill for recycling (call for details).
To Get More Involved
1. Organize clean-ups through your local community group or outdoor club.
2. Inform others about how to discourage illegal dumping by:
- Protecting their own property
- Reporting illegal dumping activity
- Encouraging people to take pride in their area
- Promoting acceptable waste management options.
3. Offer to help with upkeep on the property of an elderly or disabled neighbor.
4. Be involved with local decision-making: local board meetings; local representatives.
5. Contact the Broome County Sheriff Department to establish a Neighborhood Watch Program in your area.
6. Immediately report any incidents of dumping to the Broome County Illegal Dumping Hotline at 607.778.DUMP.