Youth and Family Services

Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs


The Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs Program seeks to improve the system of care for children and youth with special health care needs from birth and up to 21 years of age and their families.

Children served by us have an illness or condition for which they need extra health care and support services.

Children might have a serious or long-lasting:

  • Physical condition,
  • Intellectual or developmental disability, and/or
  • Behavioral or emotional condition.

Conditions include but are not limited to ADD or ADHD, allergies, anxiety, arthritis/joint problems, asthma, autism or autism spectrum disorder, behavioral/conduct problem, blood disorders, Cerebral Palsy, Cystic Fibrosis, depression, developmental delay, diabetes, Down syndrome, epilepsy/seizure disorder, genetic or inherited condition, head injury, hearing problem, heart problem, intellectual disability, learning difficulty, migraines, other mental health condition, muscular dystrophy, sickle cell anemia, speech or language disorder, substance use disorder, Tourette syndrome, and vision problem. The program is not limited to these conditions.

Please call us at 607.778.2851 for more information.

BCHD Services

This statewide program ensures that children (birth to three years of age) who may be at risk for delays receive the help needed to enhance early growth and development. The goal is to ensure that children under age three are engaged in primary health care and receive appropriate developmental tracking and screening through their primary health care provider.

The Early Intervention Program focuses on early identification and follow-up of children (ages birth through two) with developmental delays. The program provides evaluations of your child's abilities at no cost to your family and with your full participation. A service coordinator will work with your family to identify your concerns and priorities for your child and will refer your child for needed services based upon a plan, otherwise known as an Individualized Family Services Plan (IFSP) developed for your child.

If you live in Broome County and have any questions about an infant or toddler, please call us at 607-778-2851.



Through an agreement with Ascension-Lourdes we offer free home-based services to support families! You can enroll anytime from before your child is born up to three months of age. Services are available until your child turns six years old. Healthy Families Broome provides information on prenatal care, parenting guidance, bonding, attachment, child brain development, child growth, and so much more! We can also provide connections to community resources.

You may be eligible for this free program! Click here to fill out the form and to learn more.

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PACT Program 

The Education for Handicapped Children’s Program (EHCP) is for children (age 3 through 5) with suspected or confirmed delays that will affect learning. This program is directed through the New York State Department of Education to transition identified children into the formal school system. The EHCP process will determine placement opportunities and services to benefit your child and your family at no cost to you.

Child Health and Development FAQ

Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) provides information and to support individuals with developmental disabilities and their families.

New York State Department of Health- Children and Youth with Special Needs

Special Olympics New York - provides inclusive opportunities for people with intellectual disabilities to discover and unleash the champion within.

TOPSoccer provides people with diverse abilities an opportunity to play soccer in a structured environment that is safe, fun, supportive, and inclusive.

GiGi's Playhouse - free educational, therapeutic-based and career development programs for individuals with Down syndrome, their families, and the community, through a replicable playhouse model.

Families Together in NYS - Families Together in New York State is a family-run organization that represents families of children with social, emotional, behavioral and Insurance/Medicaid

Multiple Systems Navigator - Access helpful health, education, human service, and disability information on one user-friendly website, built for youth, parents, family members and caregivers that rely on supports from multiple child and family serving systems

Healthy Children Texting Program -Ages & Stages texting program where parents can get helpful tips and resources from American Association of Pediatrics experts right to their phone! Scan the QR code to get started!

NYS Early Intervention Program - Offers a variety of therapeutic and support services to eligible infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families

Mothers & Babies Perinatal Network - Facilitated Enrollment for Child Health Plus, Family Health Plus and Medicaid

New York Medicaid Waiver - Medicaid waivers help provide services to people who would otherwise be in a nursing home or hospital to receive long-term care in the community, including those with intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, and Autism

NYS Education Department

IDEA - The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is a law ensuring services to children with disabilities

FAPE - Free and Appropriate Public Education Advocates for Children of New York- Protecting every child's right to learn

CreateABLE - provides programming designed to complement services and support for individuals and families with a special needs’ diagnosis, creating opportunities for all to be ABLE to connect in their communities.

Family Enrichment Network - Supportive services for the optimal development of children and families

HCA - A non-profit organization that provides programs and services to individuals with developmental disabilities and their families

Institute for Child Development - To help excel children in our community challenged by developmental and learning disorders

Parent-to-Parent of NYS-builds a supportive network of families to reduce isolation and empower those who care for people with developmental disabilities or special healthcare needs to navigate and influence service systems and make informed decisions.

Southern Tier Independence Center - a not-for-profit, community-based advocacy and service organization for children and adults with disabilities.

Written Notification Regarding Use of Public Benefits or Insurance to Pay for Certain Special Education and Related Services

Broome County Health Department nurses no longer make home visits to families of newborn babies. However, we do call the family of every new baby born in Broome County. If you get a call from us, we are just checking in to make sure you haev everything you nee dand to answer questions you might have about your baby.

We realize this may be very overwhelming, take a deep breath and call us. We can help send you in the right direction to the next steps that will help both you and your child.
Please call us at 607-778-2851 for more information.

1.Your child is under three years old AND has a disability or developmental delay. Disability means that a child has a diagnosed physical or mental condition that often leads to problems in development. (Such as Down Syndrome, Autism, Cerebral Palsy, vision, or hearing impairment)
2.You and your child must be residents of Broome County to participate in this program