47 Vestal-Endicott Monday-Friday Inbound


Wash /North Town Square Mall BU Union Notes
D C A  
7:15a 7:25a 7:55a PP
7:45a 7:55a 8:20a PP/VM
8:25a 8:35a 9:00a PP/VM
9:05a 9:15a 9:40a PP/VM
9:45a 9:55a 10:20a PP/VM
10:25a 10:35a 11:00a PP/VM
11:05a 11:15a 11:40a PP/VM
11:45a 11:55a 12:20p PP/VM
12:25p 12:35p 1:00p PP/VM
1:05p 1:15p 1:40p PP/VM
1:45p 1:55p 2:20p PP/VM
2:25p 2:35p 3:00p PP/VM
3:05p 3:15p 3:40p PP/VM
3:45p 3:55p 4:20p PP/VM
4:25p 4:35p 5:00p PP/VM
5:05p 5:15p 5:40p PP/VM
5:45p 5:55p 6:20p PP/VM
7:15p 7:25p 7:50p PP
8:45p 9:00p 9:25p PP


Inbound: The inbound bus will travel from Binghamton University to Town Square Mall to Endicott as scheduled.

A, B, C etc: Shows time point bus stops along the route. The bus will not leave time point until the time listed.

PP:Serves Parkway Plaza (Target) after leaving Town Square Mall.

VM: Effective 10/2/17 service to Vestal Medical will be on request. Please call 607.778.1692 or 607.763.4464 between 7:30 AM and 4:00 PM or ask the driver.
