40 Chenango St Monday-Friday Inbound


Monday-Friday 5:25 AM to 5:30 PM
Park & Ride Chenango & Nowlan Bing Plaza BC Junction NOTES
(5:25a) 5:30a --- 5:45a  
6:30a 6:35a --- 7:00a  
7:00a 7:05a --- 7:40a BHS
7:40a 7:45a 7:55a 8:10a BHS
8:20a 8:25a 8:35a 8:55a  
9:00a 9:05a 9:15a 9:35a  
9:40a 9:45a 9:55a 10:15a  
3:40p 3:45p 3:55p 4:10p  
4:20p 4:25p 4:35p 4:50p  
5:00p 5:05p 5:15p 5:30p  
5:30p 5:35p 5:45p 5:55p  
12/28/40 Combo Monday-Friday Evening 7 PM - 9:55 PM
BC Junction Saratoga Apts Carlisle Apts GBH Center Bing Plaza Old State Rd Chenango & Nowlan BC Junction
Rt 12 Rt 12 Rt 28 Rt 28 Rt 40 Rt 40 Rt 40  
7:00p 7:10p 7:20p --- 7:30p --- 7:40p 7:55p
8:00p 8:10p 8:20p 8:30p 8:40p 8:45p --- 8:55p
9:00p 9:10p 9:20p --- 9:30p 9:35p --- ---
9:55p R R --- --- --- --- ---



  • At 5:25 AM the bus will start service at River / Poplar
  • For late morning and mid day bus service, please take the 40 traveling outbound to the BC Junction, there will not be inbound service.

Inbound: Shows direction of travel. The inbound 40 travels from the Park & Ride (D) to the BC Junction (A) [Read more about reading BC Transit schedules]

A, B, C etc: Shows time point bus stops along the route. The bus will not leave time point until the time listed.

---: No service provided at time point

(L): The bus will serve River Rd, N Wisconsin Dr, Hodge Rd, and Poplar Hill Rd

(G): Bus Returns to Garage

BHS: Serves Binghamton High School on the 7:00 AM, 7:40 AM and Wednesday 8:20 AM inbound trips. At 3:10 PM the bus departs Binghamton High School. The afternoon bus travels straight on Court, left on State, straight on Chenango, right on Old State, right on NY 7, right on Bevier, left on Front, ending with service to Sunrise Terrace. Service to and from Binghamton High School is only available when school is having regular classes, September through June. All riders are welcome.

R: Service is by request
