35 Endicott-Binghamton Monday-Friday Inbound


  Glen Tech Park Wash/ Broad Hooper/ Watson Oakdale Commons Main/ Willow BC Junc
  F E D C B A
X 5:45a 5:55a --- --- 6:05a 6:25a
W --- 6:00a 6:10a 6:15a 6:25a 6:45a
X 6:25a 6:35a --- --- 6:45a 7:05a
X 6:50a 7:00a --- --- 7:10a 7:30a
W --- 7:15a 7:25a 7:30a 7:40a 8:00a
X 7:30a 7:40a(N) --- --- 7:50a 8:10a
M --- 7:55a** 8:05a 8:10a 8:20a 8:40a
X 8:10a 8:20a --- --- 8:30a 8:50a
ES --- 8:35a 8:45a 8:50a 9:00a 9:20a
X,WC 8:50a 9:00a --- --- 9:10a 9:30a
M --- 9:15a** 9:25a 9:30a 9:40a 10:00a
X 9:30a 9:40a --- --- 9:50a 10:10a
W --- 9:55a 10:05a 10:10a 10:20a 10:40a
X 10:10a 10:20a --- --- 10:30a 10:50a
M --- 10:35a** 10:45a 10:50a 11:00a 11:20a
X,WC 10:50a 11:00a --- --- 11:10a 11:30a
ES --- 11:15a 11:25a 11:30a 11:40a 12:00p
X 11:30a 11:40a --- --- 11:50a 12:10p
M --- 11:55a** 12:05p 12:10p 12:20p 12:40p
X 12:10p 12:20p --- --- 12:30p 12:50p
W --- 12:35p 12:45p 12:50p 1:00p 1:20p
X,WC 12:50p 1:00p --- --- 1:10p 1:30p
M --- 1:15p** 1:25p 1:30p 1:40p 2:00p
X 1:30p 1:40p --- --- 1:50p 2:10p
ES --- 1:55p 2:05p 2:10p 2:20p 2:40p
X 2:10p 2:20p --- --- 2:30p 2:50p
M --- 2:35p** 2:45p 2:50p 3:00p 3:20p
X,WC 2:50p 3:00p --- --- 3:10p 3:30p
W --- 3:15p 3:25p 3:30p 3:40p 4:00p
X 3:30p 3:40p --- --- 3:50p 4:10p
M --- 3:55p** 4:05p 4:10p 4:20p 4:40p
X 4:10p 4:20p --- --- 4:30p 4:50p
ES --- 4:35p 4:45p 4:50p 5:00p 5:20p
X 5:05p 5:15p --- --- 5:25p 5:45p
M --- 5:15p** 5:25p 5:30p 5:40p 6:00p
X,WC 5:40p 5:50p --- --- 6:00p 6:15p
M --- 5:55p** 6:05p 6:10p 6:20p 6:40p
W 7:00p 7:10p 7:20p 7:25p 7:35p 7:55p
M 8:00p 8:10p 8:20p 8:25p 8:35p 8:55p
M 9:00p 9:10p 9:20p 9:25p 9:35p 9:55p


Inbound: Shows direction of travel. The inbound 8 bus travels from the Chenango Park & Ride to the BC Junction [Read more about reading BC Transit schedules]

A, B, C: Shows time point bus stops along the route. The bus will not leave time point until the time listed.

---: No service provided at time point

X: Express to BC Junction. The bus travels along North St in Endicott and the George F Highway between Endwell to Johnson City. There is no service on Hooper Rd, Watson Blvd, Harry L Dr, Oakdale Mall nor Oakdale Rd.

W: Bus travels via Watson Blvd & Country Club Rd in Endicott and Endwell

M: Bus travels via Main St, Endwell.

**NOTE for 35M on Washington Ave:- Monday-Friday 7:55 AM to 5:55 PM the inbound 35 via Main St will pick up by the Post Office on Washington Ave, Endicott, then turn left on Main St. The evening 35M inbound buses at 8:10PM and 9:10PM and inbound 35X, 35W, 35ES, 35WC will pick up by Wendy's. 
TIP: The outbound 35ES and 35W from 7:10 AM to 4:10PM becomes the inbound 35M on Washington Ave.

♦: At 5:40PM, the bus will provide service to West Corners on request.

ES: After departing northbound on Washington Ave, Endicott, the bus turns left on North, right on Oak Hill, right on Pine, left on Newell, right on Taft, left on Country Club, left on Hooper. Bus travels north on Hooper Rd, providing service to Weis and Marian Apts on request. Please call 607.778.1692 or 607.763.4464 at least 30 minutes in advance.

WC: After departing Glendale Tech Park, bus travels north Glendale Dr to Leona Ave, to right on Day Hallow Rd, to right on Nanticoke Ave to left on Main St. The bus continues as the 35 Express to BC Junction. If you are getting on the bus on Main St between Nanticoke Ave and the Glendale Tech Park, you may need to take the 35 Express in the outbound direction and remain on the bus when it become the 35WC-X.

(N): The 7:30AM, 4:50PM and 9:00PM the inbound bus will serve NCI Endicott.

G: Bus returns to the Garage upon ending service
