(BROOME COUNTY, NY) Broome County Parks will continue to be open regular hours Memorial Day Weekend. Due to capacity/social distancing regulations attendance will be limited to 50% capacity. The park will be limited to 50% capacity daily throughout the weekend. Once capacity has been reached vehicles will be stopped from entering. Visitors should come prepared for a brief stay (1 hour or less) and have a backup plan to recreate in the event they are turned away if the park has reached capacity.
Swimming, Boat Rentals, and Concessions will remain CLOSED until further notice. Additional staff and security will be on hand this weekend to ensure these policies are followed.
Please note the following restrictions are also in place until further notice:
- Stay local: Enjoy outdoor spaces close to home and keep visits short.
- Go small: Go solo or with those in your immediate household.
- Be safe: Keep 6’ from others.
- Playgrounds, Athletic Courts, Sports Fields and Shelters will remain closed.
Broome County will continue to provide additional information if restrictions are changed/lifted in coordination with state guidance.
For more information head to: http://www.gobroomecounty.com/parks