Public Meeting for Broome County Comprehensive Plan Update

At its meeting on Thursday, July 11th at 5:30 p.m., the Broome County Environmental Management Council is pleased to welcome the Broome County Department of Planning and Economic Development for a public meeting regarding the update to the Broome County Comprehensive Plan. The Comprehensive Plan outlines the vision for the community into the future and is a tool for making decisions and setting priorities for County projects and programs. As Broome County begins the process of updating the Plan (adopted in 2013), they are looking for community input. There will be a short presentation with updates on progress since the last plan, followed by a workshop to get your ideas for Broome County's future.

To view the current Comprehensive Plan or give feedback via the online survey visit the website at

The meeting is being held in the Decker Room at the Broome County Public Library, 185 Court Street, Binghamton. The presentation will begin at 5:30 p.m., followed by the regular EMC business meeting. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.

The Broome County Environmental Management Council is Broome County’s citizen advisory board on environmental issues. For more information about this event, visit the EMC’s Facebook Events page at

Publish Date
July 5, 2019