Engineering Division


The mission of the DPW Engineering Division is to provide the quality engineering design and project management services required to maintain County infrastructure including bridges, culverts, facilities and roadways; and to deliver technical support to other Public Works Divisions, County Departments, and residents of Broome County.


The Engineering Division is a principal unit of the Department of Public Works.  Our primary objective is to provide engineering design and project management for repair, renovation, rehabilitation, and/or replacement projects related to County buildings, bridges, roadways, watersheds, culverts, facilities and other County infrastructure.

Our fundamental responsibility is the implementation of projects identified by the County Legislature through the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) in conjunction with projects initiated via individual departmental operating budgets.  Although many of the major projects managed by the Engineering Division originate within our own Capital Improvement Program, we also provide project support and management to other Divisions within Public Works (Highways, Buildings & Grounds, Parks & Recreation, etc.), as well as to other Departments within Broome County (Planning & Economic Development, Public Safety, Willow Point Nursing Home, Aviation, etc.).

In addition to our CIP project responsibilities, Division personnel are responsible for ongoing monitoring and maintenance projects related to the County's 108 bridges and 126 large diameter culverts (those with spans from 5- to 20-feet).  The 21 flood control watersheds owned by Broome County are inspected annually by Division staff, who also coordinate with other departments to keep these structures in compliance with state and federal regulations.  The Engineering Division is tasked with maintaining environmental compliance related to County-wide environmental permitting including: (1) the County's MS4 stormwater permit program and implementation, and (2) Bulk Petroleum Storage permitting and requirements.

The Engineering Division is committed to furnishing engineering services to Broome County in an efficient and cost-effective manner.  We strive for engineering excellence and professional development of our staff.


The Engineering Division meets its mandate through the application of specific technical proficiency by distributing workload among in-house staff engineers and outside consultants (when appropriate) based on project priorities, project requirements, and staff expertise.  Typical ongoing workload is generally divided into 4 categories as follows:

  • Bridges / Culverts
    • Management of Bridge rehabilitation and repair CIP's
    • Management of Federal Aid projects and consultant contracts
    • Addressing bridge structural and safety flag conditions
    • Inspection of County's large span culverts and coordination of needed repairs
    • Interdepartmental support with the Highway Division to coordinate bridge and culvert upgrades and repairs
  • Facilities 
    • Management of large scale building rehabilitation / replacement projects and consultant contracts
    • Oversight of County-related code review and compliance coordination 
    • Interdepartmental support with Buildings & Grounds Division to assist with space utilization, mechanical systems, power systems, ADA compliance, safety issues, etc.
  • Highways & General Civil
    • Support with roadway repairs and upgrades
    • Management of utility-type projects (including stormwater, sewer and water)
    • Design / coordination of bike and pedestrian trail projects
    • Provision of technical review associated with County 239 process 
    • Interdepartmental support with County Parks, Planning, and others
  • Environmental Compliance
    • ​​Responsible for annual watershed inspections and reporting
    • Oversight of PBS / SPCC permitting, plans and compliance upgrades
    • MS4 Stormwater program development, implementation, tracking and reporting