Older adults experiencing social isolation and loneliness face worsening health issues. According to the CDC social isolation is associated with a 50% increased risk of dementia, increased risk of heart disease and stroke. It can lead to worsening health issues including higher risk of depression, anxiety and suicide. To avoid health issues related to social isolation it is important to stay busy and connected. To help older adults who are socially isolated please review some options by clicking here.
Staying well, understanding health issues, and remaining active are very important. You are welcomed to join us for any or all of our Health & Wellness A activities!
- Evidence-based programs that are proven to reduce the risk of falls and other aging concerns. Classes include: Walk with Ease, Tai Chi for Arthritis and Bingosize.
- Physical activity classes at senior centers include: line dancing, chair exercise, yoga, Zumba and classes that prevent problems of osteoporosis. There are additional exercise classes offered for a variety of physical activity levels. We also offer classes via Zoom to those unable to visit senior center. Please call 607-778-2411 for more website.
- Health and Prevention activities: Balance clinics, Health care professional presentations, breast cancer and other preventative screenings, vaccine clinics.
- Virtual Senior Center Program provides free access to online activities and classes that help participants to stay engaged and connect with others while learning new skills or staying active. This program is available for free to Broome County residents age 60+. A variety of classes about history, arts and crafts, computer training and exercise are offered each month. Several chat groups are available almost daily to help older adults connect with others.
- To see upcoming classes please click here: https://www.vscm.selfhelp.net/calendar.
- To enroll in the Virtual Senior Center please call 607-778-2411 or email: ofa@broomecountyny.gov
For the most current list of available Health & Wellness Activities please review the latest issue of Senior News, call your local senior center or Office for Aging at 607-778-2411.
- The Lyceum affiliated with Binghamton University and National Road Scholar, this institute for lifelong learners has 500+ local members age 50+. Volunteer course leaders are retired specialists, university faculty, teachers and member who have pursued interests in some depth. Classes are offered in person as well as online. For the newest catalog of courses visit lyceum.binghamton.edu. Variety of memberships are available and BU Alumni receive a 50% discount on the regular membership.