Vacancies and Job Opportunities

The Broome County Department of Personnel posts current job openings. All hiring for these positions is done by the department with the vacancy. Contact information is listed on the details page for each job. A General Employment Application is necessary to apply for each of these positions. Positions are added to and removed from this list as the Department of Personnel is informed of the need to make changes.

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New York State Civil Service, in response to significant challenges filling positions in local government, has instituted the HELP program. This program allows us to hire for the following titles without participating in the Civil Service exam or being appointed from an Eligible List: (See titles below)

The minimum qualifications must still be met, and the position will initially be placed in the Non-Competitive class. After completion of the required 52 weeks probation, the position will mature into a permanent appointment. For more information please contact the Broome County Department of Personnel 607-778-2222.

Updated Information-Additional titles now added to the NYS HELP program:

Account Clerk

Accounting Supervisor Grade B

Case Aide

Caseworker (DSS)

Caseworker Trainee (DSS)


Community Services Worker

Data Entry Machine Operator

Emergency Services Dispatcher I

Employment & Training Counselor

Keyboard Specialist/Typist

Library Clerk

Principal Account Clerk

Principal Clerk

Public Health Sanitarian


Senior Account Clerk

Senior Clerk

Senior Support Investigator

Senior Typist

Social Services Examiner

Social Services Operations Coordinator

Staff Development Specialist

Supervising Support Investigator

Support Investigator


Candidates still have to be approved, the minimum qualifications must still be met, and the position will initially be placed in the Non-Competitive class. After completion of the required 52 weeks probation, the position will mature into a permanent appointment.