It is the mission of the Broome County Department of Personnel to recruit, train, support and retain the most capable and productive workforce for Broome County and to fairly and equitably administer the provisions of the New York State Civil Service Law for local civil divisions under its jurisdiction, while ensuring fair employment and equal opportunity under the law to all persons, within a prudent budget framework for taxpayers.

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Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Statement
Broome County envisions a workforce that mirrors the larger community and reflects our rich diversity of people and cultures.
To achieve this goal, Broome County strongly endorses the use of Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action mechanisms to ensure equal opportunities for all employees, job applicants, and contract vendors.
It is the policy of Broome County to:
- Fully comply with all Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action laws, rules, regulations and definitive court decisions;
- Guarantee County programs are accessible to all as required by the Americans with Disabilities Act;
- Prohibit discrimination/harassment based on race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability marital status, military status, sex, sexual harassment, genetic predisposition or carrier status; and
- Promote the full realization of equal opportunity for the County as a whole and each constituent department within the County.
The Broome County Department of Personnel is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of the County Affirmative Action Plan that will:
- Engage in personnel practices and policies that result in the County government workforce reflecting the demographic diversity of the County;
- Actively recruit members of protected classes for County employment; and
- Strongly enforce Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action guidelines in vendor contracts.
Additional EEO Responsibilities of the Personnel Officer:
- Coordinating Broome County’s obligations under 29 C.F.R. Part 37 to ensure access, nondiscrimination and equal opportunity in programs and services assisted under Title I Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA).
- Serving as the Disadvantage Business Enterprise Liaison Officer.
- Implementing and monitoring the Aviation Concession Disadvantage Business Enterprise Program to ensure nondiscriminatory practices in projects which are funded by the Federal Aviation Administration.
- Administering and promoting an active Minority and Women’s Business Enterprise (M/WBE) Program.
- Developing education and training programs to insure compliance with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and other applicable EEO laws and regulations.
- Investigation of alleged claims of violations of equal employment opportunity laws.
Broome County’s Affirmative Action Policy Statement (PDF)
Complaint Procedure (PDF)
Civil Service
Public employees are hired under a merit system known as civil service. Civil service law specifies the procedures for selecting employees based upon their qualifications and competence.
The Broome County Department of Personnel under the direction of the Personnel Officer administers the provisions of the New York State Civil Service Law for the 40 County departments and 37 jurisdictions (towns, villages, schools and special districts). There are approximately 7000 civil service employees in these agencies.
Jobs are typically filled using lists of eligible candidates who have passed a civil service examination for a specific title. The Department of Personnel web pages provide access to exam announcements and information you will need to know about taking civil service exams, as well as other useful employment related information.
Residency Requirements
Residency is not a requirement to take a Broome County examination. However, preference in appointment may be given to successful candidates who, at the time of examination, are legal residents of the locality in which appointment is to be made. For appointment within Broome County departments, preference will be given to candidates who are residents of Broome County OR an adjoining County (Tioga, Cortland, Delaware and Chenango) at the time of examination except as stated in Resolution 21-253.
Broome County Towns, Villages, School Districts and Special Districts:
Villages | |||
School Districts | |||
Special Districts | |||
Links To Other Sites - Many other sites provide information relevant to obtaining employment.