Broome County Announces 2019 STOP-DWI Winter Classic Tournament Details

(Binghamton, NY) –Broome County Executive Jason Garnar and tournament organizers announced the details of the 5th annual STOP-DWI Winter Classic, which will take place December 6th-7th at Binghamton High School and Seton Catholic Central.

The STOP-DWI Winter Classic is more than just top caliber basketball - it's an educational experience. The Broome County STOP-DWI Program invites high school teams from across the region to participate in this outstanding tournament which uses basketball as a tool to create a unique and exciting learning experience for youth.

Through involvement in the tournament, high school students are encouraged to become leaders in an effort to address substance abuse in their community. By participating in Teen Traffic Safety Day and hosting the "Just Drive" program, thousands of students each year learn about traffic safety challenges that young drivers face every day on our roadways.

The 2019 STOP-DWI Winter Classis will consist of the following:

  • One four-team division (Charlie Tarricone Division) played at Seton Catholic Central.
  • One three-team division (Charlie Howland Division) played at Binghamton High School along with JV teams for each school
  • The 7th Annual Officer Aldo Rossi Jr Police Memorial Game will be played at 3:00pm on Saturday at Seton Catholic Central


Tickets cost just $3 for each session (2 games on Friday and 2 games on Saturday at each school) with seniors age 65 and older receiving free admission. Children age 10 and under are also free when accompanied by an adult. Tickets can be purchased the day of the event and doors open 30 minutes prior to games times.

Friday is VISIONS Night with free entry for Visions Federal Credit Union members. Each member who displays proof of membership will receive one free entry.

Saturday is Loyalty Night with free entry for Mirabito Rewards Card holders or DICK’S Sporting Goods Scorecard holders. One free entry will be granted per card.

Officer Aldo Rossi Jr Memorial Game:

The Officer Aldo Rossi Jr Police Memorial basketball game will again be held in conjunction with the tournament. The memorial game will take place beginning at 3:00pm on Saturday, December 7th at Seton Catholic Central. Tickets for the memorial game are FREE.

The Aldo Rossi Jr Police Memorial Game is a project of the STOP-DWI Winter Classic and local police agencies to raise awareness about the deadly consequences of impaired driving. Proceeds from the tournament are donated to the Crime Victims Assistance Center to support victim services.

Officer Aldo Rossi was killed when he was struck by a drunk driver on Route 7 in Broome County while waiting for a Department of Transportation truck to remove a tree that had fallen across the roadway on July 27th, 2008.

Officer Rossi had served as a part-time officer with the Port Dickinson Police Department for 15 months and also served as a part-time police officer with the Deposit Police Department. He is survived by his wife, three brothers, sister, and his father.

Division Names:

For many years, the STOP-DWI Holiday Classic began with the Charlie Howland Memorial Luncheon in honor of the Binghamton North Basketball Coach who was killed by a drunk driver in the summer of 1998 at the age of 77. The former Regional Division I is now named after the longtime Binghamton High School coach.

Region II and the Tournament MVP award are named after a very dear friend to the Holiday Classic Tournament and its first Director, Charlie Tarricone.  Charlie served as the first director of the STOP-DWI Holiday Classic from 1992-2000 and passed away in the summer of 2011. During his coaching days, Charlie led extremely successful teams at both Seton Catholic Central and Union-Endicott High School.


The educational components of the tournament have also been enhanced to include a year-round comprehensive traffic safety message focusing on impaired, distracted, and aggressive driving. Over 700 students from 20 school districts participated in the 2018 Teen Traffic Safety Day presented by State Farm and Visions Federal Credit Union held in mid-October at the Veterans Memorial Arena.

Students had an opportunity to participate in a Battle of the Belts Competition, experience safety belt demonstrations by the NYS Police, take part in texting simulations provided by AT&T’s ‘It Can Wait Campaign’, and learn about the effects that drugs and alcohol can have on driving by attempting to complete simple tasks while wearing Fatal Vision Goggles. United Health Services’ ‘Let’s Not Meet by Accident’ presentation focused on what happens after a crash, the rescue process, medical care of the victims, and the possible trauma and lifelong injuries on the body.

Participating schools may also participate in the “Hang Up, Buckle Up, Stay Sober, Just Drive” presentation which focuses on impaired and distracted driving as well as seat belt use. The presentation is organized by the Broome County STOP-DWI and Traffic Safety Programs, and the New York State Police.


“The STOP-DWI Winter Classic is a much-anticipated tournament that delivers an important message through an impressive high school basketball competition,” said Broome County Executive Jason Garnar. “Broome County thanks Binghamton High School and Seton Catholic Central for hosting such an important event, tournament sponsors DICK’S Sporting Goods, Mirabito Energy Products, and Visions Federal Credit Union; tournament organizers; and all of the volunteers who continue to make this showcase event possible.”

“Each year the tournament mixes top flight competition with numerous educational seminars to highlight the serious consequences of impaired driving,” said Chris Marion, Tournament Director and Broome County STOP-DWI Program coordinator.

The tournament is presented by DICK’S Sporting Goods, Mirabito, and Visions Federal Credit Union. Supporting sponsors include Beyond the Print, Section IV Athletics, and Townsquare Media.

Participating Teams: See team profiles for rosters and players to watch.

Charlie Howland Division I                                             

Binghamton Patriots (Varsity & JV)

Ithaca Little Red (Varsity & JV)

Owego Free Academy Indians

Charlie Tarricone Division II

Greene Trojans

Marathon Olympians
Seton Catholic Central Saints

Susquehanna Valley Sabers

Publish Date
December 6, 2019


Robert Stapleton

Public Safety Program Coordinator
