Brandywine Corridor Brownfield Opportunity Area (BOA)
The Brandywine BOA is a 158-acre industrial district located on the northeast side of the City of Binghamton. The BOA is bounded by Bevier Street to the north, the railroads to the east and south, and the Brandywine Highway/NY-7 to the west. It is located in the heart of the Southern Tier region making it a fitting location for catalytic growth and community revitalization at the local and regional levels.
Current Planning Efforts
Brandywine Corridor BOA Predevelopment Activities Project
In 2023, Broome County partnered with the City of Binghamton to take a significant step towards revitalizing the Brandywine Corridor, securing $448,200 in funding for the Brandywine BOA Predevelopment Activities Project. Building on the foundation laid by the 2013 Brandywine Corridor Brownfield Opportunity Area Nomination Study, this initiative will create a comprehensive Revitalization Master Plan to advance the goals and actions identified in the Nomination Study and ultimately serve as a guide for future investments and development in the corridor. To achieve this, the project team will conduct four key analyses: Fiscal/Market Feasibility Analysis and Reuse Plans, Stormwater and Flood Mitigation Analysis, Connectivity and Streetscape Assessment, and a Marketing Strategy.
Broome County is working collaboratively with key partners, including the City of Binghamton, New York State Department of State, Fisher Associates, and the Project Advisory Committee. This collaborative approach will ensure that the Master Plan reflects the diverse perspectives and needs of the community.
Past Planning Efforts
Brandywine Corridor Brownfield Opportunity Area Nomination Study (2013)
In 2009, Broome County secured a $175,500 grant from New York State to prepare a Brownfield Opportunity Area Nomination Study for the Brandywine Corridor. This 158-acre swath of land in the heart of Binghamton, is the gateway to the community. By preparing a Brownfield Opportunity Area plan for this area, we can focus public and private sector investment and help the community achieve its vision. We have hired Elan Planning and Design of Saratoga Springs, New York to coordinate this effort.
Inventory Presentation October 22, 2009
Visioning Workshop November 11, 2009
Advisory Committee August 6, 2010
Public Meeting September 21, 2010
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes:
August 6, 2009
September 10, 2009
October 20, 2009
April 15, 2010
May 26, 2010
August 6, 2010
Final BOA Plan