Special Mutual Aid Form
NYS Fire Training
- Upcoming Fire Training
- NYS Fire Prevention and Control Course
- Firefighter 1 and Bridging to Firefighter 1
- Bridging Course Document
- April 2015 PESH Letter
Specialty Teams and Associations
Broome County Hazardous Materials Response Team
The Broome County Hazardous Materials Response Team is responsible for the management of hazardous materials incidents throughout Broome County. In close cooperation with the Binghamton Fire Department Hazardous Materials Response Team, they can respond throughout the county to consult or abate hazardous materials incidents. This specialty response team receives much of its funding thru State and Federal grants, minimizing its support from Broome County tax payers. Incident pre-planning and training exercises are a primary focus of the team.
Contact: Fire Coordinator's Office via e-mail at Jeffrey.Buckler@broomecountyny.gov
Broome County Wildland Search & Rescue Team
The County Wildland Search Team assists in lost person searches and evidentiary searches. These volunteers, under the direction of Team Officers and New York State Forest Rangers, prides itself on dedication and professionalism and the ability to find lost or missing persons when others cannot.
Contact: Deputy Fire Coordinator Thomas Tammaro via e-mail at Thomas.Tammaro@broomecountyny.gov
Broome County Bureau of Fire Investigation
The Broome County Bureau of Fire Investigation is the lead agency in the investigation of fires within Broome County. Under a resolution of the Broome County Legislature, the Bureau of Fire Investigation shall, when requested by any local Fire Chief or their designee, determine the origin and cause of any fire or explosion occurring within Broome County. If, in the event the fire or explosion is determined to be incendiary, the Broome County District Attorneys Office may designate an arson task force be formed to investigate the case. Under New York State Law, members of the Bureau have also been designated as Peace Officers, with arrest authority.
In addition to the duties outlined previously, members of the bureau educate members of the local emergency services community on fire and explosive safety, and conduct fire inspections on Broome County facilities and events.
Broome County Technical Rescue Team
The Broome County Technical Rescue Team consists of an all volunteer membership of over 30 certified divers, rope rescue technicians and numerous support personnel. The teams performs water and rope rescue to support fire and police operations in Broome County, and mutual aid assistance to surrounding counties. Since the inception in 2004, the Dive Response Team has performed numerous dives for both training and emergencies in their personal gear. In 2016, a group of Rope Rescue Technicians were added to the team to support rope operations, both with the dive team and as a High/Low angle rope team
Currently the Team trains monthly and has equipment to operate in all weather conditions. The Broome County Technical Rescue Team is available to local fire departments for training in water rescue and rope rescue skills.
Contact: Fire Coordinator's Office via e-mail at Jeffrey.Buckler@broomecountyny.gov
Firefighter Assist and Search Teams (FAST)
A Firefighter Assist and Search Team (FAST), also known as a Rapid Intervention Team/Crew (RIT/RIC), is a team of two or more firefighters dedicated solely to search and rescue of other firefighters in distress. FAST shall have no other operational assignment during an incident. Multiple alarm fires may require multiple FAST/RIC teams.
The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and the (OSHA) have requirements for some type of FAST/RIT at structure fires. These standards require that a minimum of two fire fighters be standing by in full protective Equipment while other crew members are working in a hazardous atmosphere, commonly known as the "Two in Two out Rule" the standards are the result of a series of incidents where fire fighters became lost, trapped, or disoriented while fighting a structure fire without a FAST present.
Currently, the County has one regional FAST team, Eastern. Member departments of the the Eastern Regional Fast Team includes Deposit, Windsor, Harpursville, and West Windsor. Furthermore, several fire departments have resources available as Fast Teams. They include Endicott, West Corners, Endwell, Maine, and Five Mile Point Fire Departments. These Teams have met the guidelines as adopted by the Broome County Fire Chiefs Association.
Broome County Fire Chiefs Association
Broome County Chiefs Association meets every other month to discuss issues facing the Broome County Fire Service. The Association sponsors training sessions and the annual Ernest Young Scholarship Award.
The Association encourages all department Chiefs from around the county to attend these meetings so that their voices and opinions can be heard. Like anything else, you get out of it what you put into it. Meetings are held the first Thursday of the month. See the Events page for more details.
Broome County Fire Police Association
The Broome County Fire Police Association meets every other month to conduct training and share information among its members, to further the safety and professionalism of our local fire department's Fire Police Units. Dinner is at 6:30 PM and the business meeting is held at 7:00PM. See the Events page for more details.
Broome County Fire Advisory Board
Forms and Resources
Broome County FAST Policy and FAST Forms
Firefighter 1 local FD skill sheets
NYS Arson and Sex Offender Background Checks and Form
Specialty Team Application Forms
County Risk and Insurance Forms
ID Badge Form, must be signed by the agency administrator.
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Jeffrey L. Buckler Fire Coordinator |