12 Conklin Saturday Outbound


12/28/40 Combo
BC Junction Saratoga Terrace Carlisle Apts GBHC Bing. Plaza Old State Rd Chenango & Nowlan BC Junction Becomes Route
Rt 12 Rt 12 Rt 28 Rt 28 Rt 40 Rt 40 Rt 40    
7:00a 7:10a 7:20a --- 7:30a --- 7:40a 7:55a 35
8:00a 8:10a 8:20a 8:30a 8:40a 8:45a --- 8:55a 35
9:00a 9:10a 9:20a --- 9:30a --- 9:40a 9:55a 35
12/3 Combo
BC Junction Conklin & Tompkins Saratoga Terrace James & S. Wash Ross Park Bing General BC Junction
Rt 12 Rt 12 Rt 12 Rt 3 Rt 3 Rt 3  
10:00a 10:05a 10:10a 10:25a 10:30a 10:35a 10:45a
11:00a 11:05a 11:10a 11:25a 11:30a 11:35a 11:45a
12:00p 12:05p 12:10p 12:25a 12:30a 12:35a 12:45a
1:00p 1:05p 1:10p 1:25a 1:30a 1:35a 1:45a
2:00p 2:05p 2:10p 2:25a 2:30a 2:35a 2:45a
3:00p 3:05p 3:10p 3:25a 3:30a 3:35a 3:45a
4:00p 4:05p 4:10p 4:25a 4:30a 4:35a 4:45a
5:00p 5:05p 5:10p 5:25a 5:30a 5:35a 5:45a
6:00p 6:05p 6:10p --- --- --- ---


On Saturday from 10:00 AM to 5:45 PM, the 12/3 combo travels the 12 outbound route to Saratoga Apts. When traveling inbound back to the Junction, the bus will continue west on Conklin Ave to left Telegraph and provide service on the 3 Park Ave route and then returns to BC Junction. Please note at 6:00 PM, this will end the route at Saratoga Apts.

Outbound: Shows direction of travel. The outbound 12 bus travels from BC Junction (A) to Saratoga Apts (C) [Read more about reading BC Transit schedules]

A, B, C etc: Shows time point bus stops along the route. The bus will not leave time point until the time listed.

---: No service provided at time point

(12/28/40): Routes are combined during extended services
