35 Endicott-Binghamton Bus Stops Inbound via Endwell (ES)

  Street/Intersection Bus Stop Location
01 Washington /Main


The stop is located on a sign post about 50 feet after Main St in front of Wendy's Endicott
02 Washington /Broad


The stop is located at the corner before Broad St near St Ambrose Church across from the Post Office Endicott
03 North/Oak Hill


The stop is located on a sign post about 100 feet before Oak Hill Ave across from Crown Fried Chicken Endicott
04 Oak Hill / Clark


The stop is located on telephone pole after Clark St across from NCI Endicot
05 Oak Hill/Witherall


The stop is located on a sign post after Witherall St near Joey's Pizza Endicott
06 Oak Hill/Jenkins


The stop is located on a sign post about 50 feet after Jenkins St near the Learning Center of St Anthony Endicott
07 Oak Hill/Pine


The stop is located on a telephone pole at the corner before Pine St near Rossi's Pizza Endicott
08 Pine/Hill


The stop is located on a sign post at the corner before Hill Ave near a private residence Endicott
09 Pine/Rogers


The stop is located on a sign post at the corner before Rogers Ave near United Artists Hair Salon Endicott
10 Newell/Pine


The stop is located on a sign post across from Woodrow Ave at a private residence Endicott
11 Newell/Woodrow


The stop is located on a sign post about 20 feet before Taft Ave acoss from an apartment complex Endicott
12 Newell/Taft


The stop is located on a sign post about 20 feet before Taft Ave acoss from an apartment complex Endicott
13 Taft/Smith Rd


The stop is located on a sign post about 50 feet before Country Club Rd at a private residence Endicott
14 Taft/Country Club


The stop is located on a sign post at the corner before Pierce Ave at a private residence Endicott
15 Country Club/Pierce


The stop is located on a telephone pole about 20 feet before Center St near a private residence Endicott
16 Country Club/Center


The stop is located on a telephone pole about 50 ft before Center St near a private residence Endicott
17 Country Club/Knightlee


The stop is located on a telephone pole about 20 feet before Knightlee Ave at a private residence Endwell
18 Country Club/Beckwith


The stop is located on a telephone pole at the corner before Beckwith Ave at a private residence Endwell.
19 Country Club/Norton


The stop is located on a sign post at the corner before Norton Ave at a private residence Endwell
20 Country Club/Doyleson


The stop is located on a telephone pole at the corner before Doyleson Ave across from Dunkin' Donuts Endwell
21 Hooper/Pruyne


The stop is located on a sign post about 50 feet after Pruyne St near the M & T Bank Endwell
22 Hooper/Pheasant


The stop is located on a sign post about 75 feet before Pheasant Ln at a private residence Endwell
23 Hooper Rd/Weis Plaza


The stop is located near the Weis in the Park Manor Plaza Endwell
24 Plaza/Manor


The stop is located on a sign post about 50 feet before Manor Dr, at a private residence, Endwell
25 Hooper/Marian Apts


The stop is located on a sign post at the second entrance to Marian Apts, Endwell
26 Hooper/Pheasant


The stop is located on a sign post across from Pheasant St at a private residence, Endwell
27 Hooper/Pruyne


The stop is located on a sign post across from Pruyne St near the M&T Bank, Endwell
28 Hopper/Rath


The stop is located on a sign post across from Rath Ave by the Veterinary Medical Center.
29 Watson/Hooper


The stop is located about 25 feet after Hooper Rd by the "Welcome to Endwell" sign Endwell
30 Watson/Valley


The stop is located on a sign post at the corner before Valley St at a priavte residence Endwell
31 Watson/Country Club


The stop is located on a sign post across from Country Club Rd Endwell
32 Watson/Poplar


The stop is located on a sign post across from Poplar St by Friedman Electric Johnson City.
33 Watson/Wilkans Way


The stop is located on a sign post about 200 feet before Wilkans Way before the Blind Tiger Pub Johnson City
34 Harry L/Valley Plaza


The stop is located on a sign post about 100 feet before Valley Plaza Dr near the Calvary Church Johnson City
35 Harry L/Oakdale


The stop is located about 150 feet before Oakdale Rd by Monroe Muffler Johnson City
36 Oakdale Commons/Oakdale Pizza


The stop is located by Oakdale Pizza at the Oakdale Mall. 
36a Oakdale Commons/Career and Community Services The stops is by the Career and Community Services Center.
36b Oakdale Commons/Dave&Busters The stop is near Dave&Busters
37 Oakdale/Evert


The stop is located on a sign post across from Evert St near Croteau's Transmission Johnson City
38 Oakdale/Valley Plaza


The stop is located on a sign post at the corner after Field St near the NY 17 overpass Johnson City
39 Oakdale/Azon


The stop is located on a sign post across from Azon Rd near the former Visions Credit Union Johnson City
40 Oakdale/Endwell


The stop is located on a sign about 40 feet after Endwell St across from Jim Murray's Appraisal Service Johnson City
41 Main/Evelyn


The stop is located on a sign post about 150 feet after Evelyn St across from the Westover Plaza Johnson City
42 Main/Baker


The stop is located before Baker St in front of the Johnson City Learning Center Johnson City. There is a bus shelter here.
43 Main/Allen


The stop is located on a sign post after Allen St Johnson City.
44 Main/Harrison


The stop is located on a sign post about 50 after Harrison St Johnson City
45 Main/N Broad


The stop is located on a sign post before Broad St near the Red Robin Diner Johnson City
46 Main/Willow


The stop is located on a sign post after Willow St near Sav A Lot Johnson City.
47 Main/Park


The stop is located on a sign post before Park St and across the street from St James Church Johnson City
49 Main/Floral


The stop is located on a sign post before Floral Ave by the Johnson City Presbyterian Church Binghamton
50 Main/Crary


The stop is located on a sign post before Crary Ave and near the Lourdes Center for Family Health Binghamton
51 Main/Crestmont


The stop is located on a sign post before Crestmont Rd and near the Weis Binghamton.
52 Main/Helen


The stop is located on a sign post about 100 feet after Helen St in front of KFC Binghamton
53 Main/Orton


The stop is located on a sign post about 150 feet before Orton Ave between Binghamton Fluorescent and Reliable Auto Sales Binghamton
54 Main/Schiller


The stop is located on a sign post at the corner before Schiller St near the Dunkin' Donuts Binghamton
55 Main/Hamilton


The stop is located on a sign post across from Hamilton St in front of Aarons Binghamton
56 Main/Cedar


The stop is located on a sign post at the corner after Cedar St near the Osburn Law Offices Binghamton
57 Main/Chestnut


The stop is located on a sign post by the Main St Baptist Church Binghamton
58 Main/Arthur


The stop is located on a telephone pole before Arthur St by the Belmar Binghamton
59 Main/Chapin


The stop is located on a sign post about 20 feet before Chapin St in front Parsons Funeral Home Binghamton
60 Main/Oak


The stop is located on a sign post about 20 feet before Oak St across from Family Dollar Binghamton
61 Court/Washington


The stop is located on a sign post about 20 feet before the Washington St near China One
62 BC Junction


BC Junction is the last inbound stop