Broome County Issues Call for Walls for Round II of the iDistricts Public Art Program

Do you have a wall that needs some color? The Broome County Department of Planning and Economic Development is issuing a Call for Walls to identify sites for the next round of the iDistricts Murals and Mosaics Public Art Program. The goal of this program is to create more public art in our community with a series of murals and mosaics within Broome County’s Innovation Districts (iDistricts). Selected properties would be scheduled for a public art installation in the summer of 2022.

Broome County Executive, Jason Garnar says, “The first mural installation through this program was met with a lot of excitement from the community and established a new landmark in downtown Binghamton. Broome County is excited to provide this opportunity for property owners within the iDistricts to transform walls into significant cultural focal points within our communities.”

To be considered for the program, walls must be located within one of the iDistrict boundaries and visible from the public right-of-way; a map of eligible areas is available on the project website. Many factors including, but not limited to the location, visibility, size, historic character of building, surface conditions, and site accessibility will be evaluated when determining the public art site.

Property owners selected to participate in the program will be required to work closely with project partners to coordinate/implement the project, enter into an agreement with Broome County, prepare the wall to accept the artwork, maintain the artwork in good condition for at least ten (10) years, and obtain all permits and approvals required for the project. The building owner/business will not receive compensation for the creation or display of the art.

The iDistricts Murals and Mosaics Public Art Program is a collaborative effort of the Broome County Planning Department, the Broome County Arts Council, New York State, the City of Binghamton, the Village of Endicott, and the Village of Johnson City. The iDistricts Murals and Mosaics Public Art Program is made possible with financial support provided through the New York State Upstate Revitalization Initiative and the Greater Binghamton Fund.

To learn more about the iDistricts Murals and Mosaics Public Art Program and submit a Call for Walls interest form, visit Questions can be directed to Senior Planner, Stephanie Brewer at 607-778-2114.


Publish Date
September 23, 2021