Who We Are
The Broome County Office for Aging assists seniors and caregivers by providing the services and benefits that older adults need to live independently. We offer these services both in the community and in the homes of Broome County seniors.
Our agency is a focal point for information. We help caregivers and older adults get the services they need, whether they are looking for information on healthy living or need care in their homes.
For a full listing of our programs and services, please navigate to the Programs and Services section of our website. Or you can download our Programs and Services for Seniors brochure, which provides a brief description of our services and a listing of senior community centers. The more detailed Office for Aging Services for Seniors Guidebook is also available. Our office also includes NY Connects.
For information about our agency's privacy policy review the following documents:
Our Mission
The mission of the Broome County Office for Aging is to improve and enrich the quality of life for all older persons residing in Broome County. The Office for Aging:
- promotes the dignity and independence of the older person.
- ensures comprehensive and coordinated services are readily available.
- encourages age friendly county wide planning.
- fosters public awareness of the value and contribution of older persons to the community.
Part of a Network
We are one of 59 Area Agencies on Aging in New York State and part of the national aging network. As an area agency on aging, the Office for Aging is a focal point for information, advocacy, and coordination of eldercare services. We provide services directly and through contracts with 21 other organizations.
Elder Service Planning
Besides providing services, the Office for Aging engages in community planning efforts both on our own and through memberships at several committees. We are always interested in public comments on the need for seniors and caregivers have for services and information in Broome County. You can email comments on needs or remarks on services you are currently using to ofa@broomecountyny.gov.
For more information on other services available in our community, visit the online Broome County Directory for Older Adults, Caregivers and Individuals with Disabilities.
Funding for Broome County Office for Aging programs is provided by, Broome County government, the US Administration on Aging, the New York State Office for Aging, and the Corporation for National & Community Service. Funding is received from the Federal government under Title III of the Older Americans Act, the New York State Office for Aging, local municipalities, and private grants. If you want more information about New York State Office for Aging click here.
The Broome County Office for Aging does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, age, sex, national origin or sponsor, sexual orientation, or subject any persons to any discrimination in their civil rights.
Broome Age-Friendly Project
Broome County was certified by AARP as an age-friendly community in 2019. The Broome Age-Friendly Project was initiated to support planning activities with the goal of making Broome County a great place to live for people of all ages. Learn more on the Age-Friendly Community Information page.
Complete an online survey for the Broome Age-Friendly Action Plan 2023-2026: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/X66RB6T